Thursday 27 April 2017

Class V

(03/04/2017 TO 22/06/2017)
CLASS-V                                                   SUBJECT-ENGLISH                                                  SECTION-A&B
1) To read, write, and learn sounds of alphabets 5 times.
2) To read, write, and learn BARAKSHARI (VARNAMALA WITH MATRAEN) 5 times.
3) To read, write, and learn NEW WORDS of unit 1 – 10. 5 times.
4) To read, write, and learn 50 nouns 5times.
5) To read, write, and learn adjectives 100 .5 times.
6) To read, write, and learn (100) verbs and verb forms of past tense and past participles 5 times.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

ग्रीष्म कालीन गृह कार्य – 2017 – 2018
कक्षा : 5 अ और ब
१. रस्सी से बननेवाली किन्ही 3 चीजों का मोडेल बनाओ ।
२. फसलों के त्योहार में उपयोग आनेवाली वस्तुओं के 5 मोडेल बनाओ ।
३. विभिन्न प्रकार पतंग के 5 मोडेल बनाओ ।
४. गुजरात में मनाए जाने वाले प्रमुख त्योहारों के चित्रों का अल्बम बानाओ ।
५. सुलेख माला भाग -5 में  रोजाना 1 पृष्ट लिखो । ( सुलेख पुस्तक पूर्ण करना )

1. Make a market survey find the cost of the following:
 LED TV, Washing Machine, AC, Refrigerator, Micro Oven, Camera
 Stick the picture and write the details according to example.
 Example: Cost of the TV:
 Write it in words:
2. Write and learn the table from 2 to 20.
3. Write the smallest and the greatest 5-digit numbers using the following digits.
a)6 , 9 , 1 , 3                                       b)5 , 2 , 1 , 8 ,3
4. Make different shapes using coloured match sticks. (On ½ of a chart paper)

CLASS: V                             SUBJECT: EVS
1. Collect wrappers of different food packets, stick them in an A4 size paper, Identify the date of manufacturing/ packing and expiry date/ best before date for them.
2. Write any one recipe of your favorite dish made using mangoes. Also draw diagrams
3. Collect leaves of medical plants and different feather press to dry.
4. Collect information about world environment day and world health day
5.  Draw the Life cycle of a Mosquito.
6.  Locate 10 National parks on a map of India.